
Food & Beverages

Successful Raw Materials

A great alternative to sugar
Green Tea Extract
Regulating serum lipid and anti-oxidant effects
Natural Vanilla Extract
Characterized by fruity-grape, spicy and woody flavour notes
Welcome to our Food & Beverages pages. Our main product groups are:
  • Glycymin ®  flavour enhancers from Maruzen Pharmaceuticals – Japan, and Aromiild yeast Extracts. These flavour enhancers make possible the formulation of foods with a reduced content of MSG and salt, as well as ice-creams with reduced sugar content.
  • Stevia Calorie-free Natural Sweetener: 200 to 250 times sweeter than sugar.
  • Ingredients for functional foods:
    • Plant extracts
    • Mushroom extracts
    • Cranberry extracts
    • Aloe Vera
    • Probiotics & prebiotics
    • Vitamins
    • Soya Isoflavon
    • Hydrocolloids
    • Soluble fibres
  • Vanilla beans and extracts
Select :

Product NameComposition / Pharmacognostic OriginCharacteristics
Aloe Vera – freeze dried powder 200:1Aloe Vera gelAnti-inflammatory properties; stimulate immune response; protect the skin from UVB rays; it is obtained from the fresh and pure fillet of the Aloe Vera Barbadensis leaves; moisturizing
Aloe Vera – freeze dried powder decolorized 200:1Aloe Vera gelAnti-inflammatory properties; stimulate immune response; protect the skin from UVB rays; it is obtained from the fresh and pure fillet of the Aloe Vera Barbadensis leaves; moisturizing
Aloe Vera – gel 1:1Aloe Vera gelAnti-inflammatory properties; stimulate immune response; protect the skin from UVB rays; it is obtained from the fresh and pure fillet of the Aloe Vera Barbadensis leaves; moisturizing
AromildYeast ExtractYeast Extract, a natural food flavor enhancer;suitable for vegetarian & clean label application; long lasting UMAMI taste.
Aromild UYeast ExtractYeast Extract, a natural food flavor enhancer;containing 8% of natural Glutathione; very strong UMAMI / Meaty test.
BiokynNatural NattokinaseSystemic enzyme; support healthy blood flow; obtained by fermentation process. 
Carambola Extract powder MFAverrhoa carambola L.Cell activation, collagen synthesis promotion, anti-collagenase activity and SOD-like activity
Chinese Quince Extract powder MFChaenomeles sinensisSuppressing pharyngitis
Chitofresh(Chitosan)CrustaceanObesity and cholesterol lowering
Coenzyme Q-10UbiquinoneIt is an essential and powerful antioxidant anti-aging; Dietary supplement.It can have positive effects on athletic performance.Helps the heart muscle.
Coffee Bean ExtractHealth Ingredient for prevention against obesity, maintenance of healthy weight
Cranberry Seed OilVaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry)Ideally balance omega 3 and omega 6 essentiel fatty acid;hart-healthy phytosterols(plant sterols);ani-oxidant;contents all of 8 isomers of vitamin E and carotenoides,etc.
Crannberry Active powderVaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry)anti-oxidant; proanthocyanidins,urinary tract health,oral health care
D-GlucosamineCrustaceanFood supplement;joint pain relief, cholesterol elimination and obesity prevention.
DHADocosahexaenoic acidRefined fish oils (odorless, stable).Application:food supplement OMEGA-3 oils
Eleutherococcus Extract powderEleutherococcus senticosus Maxim.Nutritious, roubustoness and tonic
EPAEicosanpentaenoic AcidRefined fish oils (odorless, stable).Application:food supplement OMEGA-3 oils
Fujiflavone 10Glycine max L. Merr. (Leguminosae)Fujiflavone P10 is great for beverages. Patents(Eu,USA)) on solubility FOSHU-approved. Supplement for osteoposis, cardiovascular diseases, menopause symptoms, hot flushes etc.
Fujiflavone 40Glycine max L. Merr. (Leguminosae)Fujiflavone P10 is great for beverages. Patents(Eu,USA)) on solubility FOSHU-approved. Supplement for osteoposis, cardiovascular diseases, menopause symptoms, hot flushes etc.
Ginkgo Leaf Extract (purified)Ginkgo biloba L.(Ginkoaceae)Bloodstream promotion and free radical scavenging
Ginseng Extract powder MFPanax ginseng C.A.Meyer (Araliaceae)Tonic, roubustness bloodstream promotion and cell activation
GlutathioneL-Glutathione Educlol.Plays key regulatory roles in metabolic and cell-cycle-illated functions. Fundamental for activities of the liver. 
Glycymin:a range of flavour enhacers, based on Licorice root extractsNatural food flavor enhancer. Characteristic sweetness to soften the saltiness, bitterness and sourness, to bring out the savory taste ; characteristic flavor and sweetness intensity 10f about 50 times of sugar ; sauces, ketchup, confectioneries, ham, ice creams and sausages.Adding UMAMI taste
Green Tea Extract (GTE)Camellia sinensis O. Kuntze. LeafAnti-oxidant, anti-microbial and obesity; free radical scavenging; GTE without any carriers; solvent free, from pesticide free tea leaves; highly clarified extracts, full traceability of each batch
Hi QTENUbiquinoneNANOEMULSION of Ubiquinone ; nutritional supplement three times more avaible than pure CoQ10; strong antioxidant;
Hyaluronic AcidHyaluronic AcidFermentation based polysaccharide. Effective moisturizing agent, constant lubricant in the intercellular space, providl viscuosity and elasticity in the synovial fluid of joints and eyes. Imporved the skin quality.
Indian Dates Extract powder MFTamarindus indica L.(Leguminosae)
Jujube Extract powder MFZiziphus jujuba Mill.var.inermis Rehd (Rhamnaceae)Tranquility, nutritious and robustness
LactoferrinIron binding glycoprotein
Licorice Extract A.MGlycyrriza glabra L. (Leguminosae)Antimicrobial, dental plaque formation inhibition, cavity prevention
Linden Extract Powder MFTilia cordata Mill. (Tiliaceae)Parts used : Flower ; Anti-stress, antidepressant, anti-allergy ; recommended daily intake : 240mg
Lotus Seed Germ Extract powder MFNelumbo nucifera Gaertn (Nymphaeceae)Free radical scavenging, estrogen-like activity, collagen synthesis promotion, keratinocyte synthesis promotion and rough skin improvement
Mango GingerCurcuma amadaprevention of obesity
Oyster ExtractCrassostrea gigas Thunb.Parts used : Oyster meat ; Rich in glycogen, taurine, minerals and amino acids. Nutritious, roubustness, hangover detoxification, rich in minerals for anemia
PropolGlucomananHydrocolloid; soluble fibers; synergy with Xanthan gum.
Quillaja Extract P-20Quillaja saponariaAs a natural emulsifier, is one of the most powerful natural forming agent for many beverage manufacturers
Reishi Extract PowderGanoderma lucidum (Polyporaceae)Parts used : Fruit body ; Immune activation, nutritious and hypotensive
Rooibos Tea Extract powder (purified)Aspalathus linearis(Brum. Fil) R. (Leguminosae)SOD-Like activity and anti-oxidant
Rose Bud Extract powder MFRosa Centifolia L. (Rosaceae)Antimicrobial and anti-viral, processed foods and groceries.
Royal Jelly ExtractApis mellifica L. (Apidae)Parts used : Secreted substance ; Nutritious, health tonic
Saccharomyces BoulardiiSaccharomyces BoulardiiProbiotic effectiveness; it is known to survive gastric acidity, it is not adversely affected or inhibited by antibiotics and doses not alter or adversely affect the normal flora in the bowel, supports digestion.
ShellackNatural resin refined from lac insects nest’s, water and oil proof food, pharma etc. films, gas barrier, biodegradable, heat hardning
Shiitake Extract Powder F-2Lentinus edodes (Brek) Sing. (Tricholomataceae)Immune activation, cholesterol lowering, hypotensive and anti-arteriosclerosis
SteviaStevia Rebaudiana Leaf extractNatural sweetener, 250-300 times sweter than sudrose. Sweetness is mild and refreshing. Application: breveges, yoghourts, ice creams, sweetness, confectioneries etc.
Supere SSeDried yeast cells enriched naturallySupporting mood and emotional well-being; liver protector; etc. 
Vanilla – beansVanilla PlanifoliaFlavoring derived from vanilla planifolia
Vanilla – extractVanilla PlanifoliaFlavoring derived from vanilla planifolia
Vanilla – powdered, crushed & micropulverised vanillaVanilla PlanifoliaFlavoring derived from vanilla planifolia
Vanilla – seedVanilla PlanifoliaFlavoring derived from vanilla planifolia
Yacon Leaf Extract powder MFSmallanthus sonchifolia (Compositae)Anti-hyperglycemia and obesity
Yucca Extract PYucca Extract, TrehaloseAnti-microbial agent especially suitable for yeast and mold. Sauces, and other various processed foods. Standard usage level : 0.1%-0.5%
Extrait de Vanille
Aromatic notes : Typical Bourbon vanilla
Vaniflor 200